According Pew Research Center’s analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data, millennials are the largest generation in the U.S. labor force. More than one in three (35%) of Americans in the labor force are millennials and that number is set to rise to 75% by 2025.
As with any generation, millennials have their own, unique set of work-based expectations. Here are a few steps we follow at Innovative Advertising to ensure fulfillment in the workplace for our millennial professionals.
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7 interview faux pas
Posted on May 3, 2022
You may feel confident stepping into your next job interview, but are you too confident? Let’s take a step back and review a few tips on what NOT to do. We’ve cultivated a list of seven ways your interview could go from a perfect ten to a see you never again.
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People Who Think, LLC welcomes six new employees
Posted on April 7, 2022
People Who Think is growing in number with a diverse group of business professionals who bring an array of expertise. With a mission to provide advertising, design, web development, video production, marketing strategy and more to businesses locally, regionally and nationwide, these additions provide unparalleled skill to the agency and its four divisions.
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Stress Awareness Month: Eliminating stress in the workplace one lego at a time
Posted on April 6, 2022
In a post-COVID-19 world where the team is once again collaborating creative concepts in person, dopamine levels are at an all-time high. We are all excited to make human contact, and we are even happier to not partake in those awkward exchanges, “Daryl, you’re still on mute.”
Though meeting together again is sparking much joy, it sadly does not eliminate the stress that is commonly felt in the workplace. During the month of April, we are focusing on Stress Awareness Month and discussing the 3 steps we use to help create a stress-free office.
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Celebrating Our Ad Persons of the Year
Posted on March 17, 2021
Six members of the People Who Think team were honored by the American Advertising Awards and the Ad Club of New Orleans as 2021 Ad Persons of the Year. These outstanding advertising professionals have achieved excellence in their field. We are proud to have these gifted professionals, whose daring creativity, smart strategy and business acumen have earned them this important accolade, as a part of our team. Here are our winners, as described by those who nominated them for the award.
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